From one DOSM to another.

“How do I get
more resources? Two words:
Business Case.”

David Chu

David Chu
President & Chief Business Officer, 
GAM Hospitality

The best advice I ever got in hospitality was, “Get yourself a good pair of shoes.”

The second best piece of advice I ever got was, “Do your job like you own the place.”

Because when you’ve got skin in the game, you’re always looking for ways to do things better, faster, and cheaper to make the company more profitable. That impacts every big decision I make.

When I need more resources or more budget to do my job, I don’t ask. Asking is a waste of everybody’s time. I already know the secret formula. What would I want to hear?

“Here’s how I’m going to save you money.”

There’s a name for that. It’s called a business case, a three page deck that clearly says: The problem. The solution. The cost.

That’s how I got the green light to hire Tambourine.

I added up the cost of all my vendors. Web, Media, Social Media, Email, SEO. I took into consideration the amount of time I spent coordinating creative and strategy, plus sitting in on reporting calls with 3-4 different vendors. Turns out, we’d save upwards of 30% just by switching to Tambourine.

They helped us not only consolidate vendors, but reduce our marketing cost per booking, and decrease reliance on the OTAs.

Ownership’s happy, they’ve got more money in their pocket. And I’ve got more time to plan and strategize, and more resources to get things done. 

From one DOSM to another, 

David Chu
President & Chief Business Officer, 
GAM Hospitality