By Design

Elevate Your Hotel Website with Cinemagraphs.

Have you ever seen a photo with hints of motion like this?

This is called a cinemagraph.
It’s a type of creative that blends photo and video.

The hints of motion add life to a still image making the image more captivating, which keeps the audience’s attention longer and strengthens your visual storytelling. 

  Let's see the above cinemagraph applied to a website...

Although it is only a slight addition of motion, it gives life to the website.
You can almost feel the calming Bimini breeze through the screen.

 Here's another example... 

The movement of the fire reinforces the cozy atmosphere that Elliott House wants to portray.

And here's one more example just for fun...

Okay, you get the idea.

In addition to websites, cinemagraphs can be utilized throughout emails, digital ads, and social media to add a little flair to your creative assets and to hold your audience’s attention longer.